The Death of Comedy is a burlesque radio sitcom and sketch show, mixing the Vaudevillian with the absurd, the surreal and the transgressive. This spectacle centers around a duo of ignorant, amoral and anarchist DJs (DJ Bao Ze and MC Nuggets), their tendency to discover bad ideas and their determination to see them their disastrous ends. In reckless pursuit of impropriety, new satire and old schtick, the DoC boldly crosses the line, jumps the shark, tips the Sacred Cow and smashes the Overton Window. We’d like to thank KPTZ for always giving us enough rope to hang ourselves. This is The Death of Comedy . . . We’re killing it!
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
When an unscrupulous businessman purchases a super-intelligent thinking machine the only thing that stands between the entrepreneur and his destructive ambitions is the computer's moral safeguards.
"Wave" by Viscio from the album Xiok.
"Son Regard" by FMA.
"Immovability" by Audio Recount from the album Rise Against.
"Sedative" by Anemoia from the album Sedative.
"The Final Breath" and "Heartbeat" from Kirk Osamayo, from the album Season Two.
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
When a grammar bot becomes self-aware it seeks to eliminate human errors by eliminating humans.
"Death" by Johan Lind, courtesy of Epidemic of Sound.
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Episode 20: ”Cancel Causing” or ”The Social Disease”
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
(Originally Aired: 12/09/20)
"After entering the wrong room to change his clothes on a college campus, Nuggets gets cancelled."
All sketches performed by Michael J. Grady AKA “MC Nuggets” and Nat Jacob (formerly known as "Name Redacted") AKA “DJ Boa Ze.”
Additional Actors: Frank Iuro, Ramon Dailey, and Mary-Ashley Medeiros
HUJC (10:48)*
Bully For You (12:05)*
Trojan Rats (18:32)*
The President's New Suit (20:02)*
"Every Breath You Take," originally performed by the Police, is covered here by Chase Holfelder, from the 2015 album, MAJOR TO MINOR, VOLUME ONE.
"MySpace Girl," which appropriately came out in 2008, was performed by the Afters from the album NEVER GOING BACK TO OK, produced by Columbia Records.
"Pepper" was performed by The Butthole Surfers from their 1996 album ELECTRICLARRYLAND, which was released by Reprise Records.
* Written by Michael J Grady
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Episode 19: The Banjo Killer or "The Halloween Episode."
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
(Originally aired 10/14/20)
"To save money on their vacation, Bao and Nuggets go to an old, abandoned campground."
All sketches performed by Michael J. Grady AKA “MC Nuggets” and Nat Jacob (formerly known as "Name Redacted") AKA “DJ Boa Ze.”
Additional actors: Frank Iuro and Laura Ann Eggarichs
Mundane Loathing (9:50)*
Witching Hour (19:46)*
Wind Ghosts (21:05)*
"All You Need is Blood" was performed by Beatallica, from their 2008 self-titled album, which was produced by Oglio Records.
"Dueling Banjos" was preformed by Whiteland and Mandell, from the 1973 Soundtrack to DELIVERANCE, which was produced by Warner Brothers Records.
“He Only Takes Visa,” “Survivalist” and “Let’s Play Camp Blood” are three incidental tracks from the 1986 movie: FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH, PART SIX, which were composed by Harry Manfredini. Distributed by Lala Land Records.
Jake Sanderson’s “Bernard Herrmann-inspired Music” can be found on Youtube.
“Lotion” was performed by The Greenskeepers, from their self-produced 2004 album, PLEACH.
“We’re Comin to Kill Ya” was performed by Zachariah and the Lobos Riders, from the soundtrack to DEAD AND BREAKFAST.
* Written by Michael J Grady
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Episode 18: "What Dreams May Come" or "Sucking on the Radio."
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
(Originally Aired: 09/09/20)
“Desperate to preserve his DNA, Nuggets goes to a sperm bank. When his recipient favors Bao, Nuggets must fight for his lineage, devolving into a Darwinian fight for survival in a test tube jungle.”
All sketches performed by Michael J. Grady AKA “MC Nuggets” and Nat Jacob (formerly known as "Name Redacted") AKA “DJ Boa Ze.”
Additional actors: Maggie Jo Bulkley and Sarah Chapman
Total Nuclear Annihilation (14:04)*
That Was Rude (17:59)*
20 Questions (20:12)*
Death Bed (21:03)*
“Come on Eileen” was performed by Dexys Midnight Runners, from their album T00-RYE AYE and was produced by Mercury.
"Princes of the Universe" was performed by Queen, from their 1986 Album A KIND OF MAGIC and was produced by EMI Records.
"Sh-Boom Sh-Boom" was preformed by The Chords. It was released as a single in 1954 and produced by Cat Records.
"The End" was performed by The Doors, from their self-titled, debut album, which was produced by Elektra
"When I Was a Sperm I Had a Lot To Learn" was performed by Master Well and was released as a single in 1994. It was produced by Backbeat Records.
* Written by Michael J Grady
Photo by Sam Farallon (Twitter: @farallono)
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Episode 17: "That Thing You Don't."
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
(Originally aired 08/17/20)
"When things you don't do turn to do do, watch your step."
All sketches performed by Michael J. Grady AKA “MC Nuggets” and Nat Jacob (formerly known as "Name Redacted") AKA “DJ Boa Ze.”
Additional actor: Maggie Jo Bulkley
Guitar Solo (10:29)*
An Abbreviated History (1546)*
Flaccid Man (17:35)*
"All The Small Things" was performed by Blink 182, from the album ENEMA OF THE STATE and was produced by MCA Records.
"Epic" was preformed by Faith No More, from their 1990 album THE REAL THING and it was produced by Slash.
"Leave That Thing Alone" was performed by Rush, from their album COUNTERPARTS, which was produced by Anthem.
"One Thing Leads to Another" was performed by The Fixx, from their 1983 album REACH THE BEACH, which was produced by MCA Records.
* Written by Michael J Grady
Photo by Chien Nguyen Minh on Unsplash
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Episode 16: "The Real Mr. Bernhurst" or "Egg McGuffen."
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
(Originally aired 07/15/2020)
"When Nuggets discovers that being mistaken for an enemy spy is good for his love life, he is forced to choose between proving his innocence and getting the girl."
All sketches performed by Michael J. Grady AKA “MC Nuggets” and Nat Jacob (formerly known as "Name Redacted") AKA “DJ Boa Ze.”
Additional Actors: Rose Burt and Maggie Jo Bulkley
The Emergency Fartcast System (21:17)*
Depth and Maturity (15:19)*
Naked Man vs. The Baffler (16:33)*
"Carlotta's Portrait" was composed by Bernard Herrmann from the original soundtrack to the 1958 film, VERTIGO.
"Carlotta Valdez" was performed by Harvey Danger from their 1997 album WHERE HAVE ALL THE MERRYMAKERS GONE?, which was produced by Arena Rock.
"Party in the CIA" written and performed by Wierd Al Yankovic, from his 2011 album, ALPOCALYPSE, which was produced by Volcano Records.
"Secret Agent" was performed by Letters to Cleo from their 1998 album SISTER, which was produced by Wicked Disc.
"Secret Agent Man" is performed by The Toasters, from their 1996 album, HARD BAND FOR DEAD, produced by Moon Ska Records.
* Written by Michael J Grady
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Did You Do It?
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
This is a never-before broadcast sketch, featuring Laura Anne Eggarichs.
It has been repurposed and expanded into a forthcoming episode as a cold open.
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Health Benefits of Cigarettes!
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Don't listen to hoaxes! What you don't know about failing not to not smoke enough may kill you!
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
I think you know what I'm talking about. (Don't you?)