The Death of Comedy is a burlesque radio sitcom and sketch show, mixing the Vaudevillian with the absurd, the surreal and the transgressive. This spectacle centers around a duo of ignorant, amoral and anarchist DJs (DJ Bao Ze and MC Nuggets), their tendency to discover bad ideas and their determination to see them their disastrous ends. In reckless pursuit of impropriety, new satire and old schtick, the DoC boldly crosses the line, jumps the shark, tips the Sacred Cow and smashes the Overton Window. We’d like to thank KPTZ for always giving us enough rope to hang ourselves. This is The Death of Comedy . . . We’re killing it!
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
I think you know what I'm talking about. (Don't you?)
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