The Death of Comedy is a burlesque radio sitcom and sketch show, mixing the Vaudevillian with the absurd, the surreal and the transgressive. This spectacle centers around a duo of ignorant, amoral and anarchist DJs (DJ Bao Ze and MC Nuggets), their tendency to discover bad ideas and their determination to see them their disastrous ends. In reckless pursuit of impropriety, new satire and old schtick, the DoC boldly crosses the line, jumps the shark, tips the Sacred Cow and smashes the Overton Window. We’d like to thank KPTZ for always giving us enough rope to hang ourselves. This is The Death of Comedy . . . We’re killing it!
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
(Originally aired: July 25, 2018)
Nuggets doesn't know what scares him more: how vulnerable humankind is to the flesh-eating lizards living among them, or the complete lack of evidence for their existence.
All sketches performed by Michael J. Grady AKA “MC Nuggets” and [NAME REDACTED] AKA “DJ Boa Ze.”
Alien Attack* (04:05)
A Lone Futhermucka* (10:41)
Opposite Day* (07:08)
Humanitarians* (13:27)
Additional Actors: Sarah Elizabeth Chapman, Mary-Ashley Medeiros, Daniel Fredrickson, David Faber
The Theme from THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL and incidental music from THE TWILIGHT ZONE scored by Bernard Herrmann.
*Written by Michael J Grady
Friday Jul 20, 2018
Friday Jul 20, 2018
Friday Jul 20, 2018
(Originally Aired 05/23/18)
No time to write. No time to edit. So we stitched a few sketches together (including some previously unaired) and called it a show!
All sketches performed by Michael J. Grady AKA “MC Nuggets” and [NAME REDACTED] AKA “DJ Boa Ze.”
- Thou Shalt* (00:00)
- Quite A Little Community + (02:56)
- I Have Two Pee* (13:17)
- Conflict Management* (16:17)
- Euphemisms* (24:07)
"I'm Gonna Knock You Out" was originally recorded by LL Cool J, but is covered here by Five Finger Death Punch, featuring Tech 9, from their album THE WRONG SIDE OF HEAVEN AND THE RIGHTEOUS SIDE OF HELL.
"Mary Had a Little Lamb" is in the public domain.
"The Ten Commandments Theme" was composed by Elmer Bernstein as a part of the soundtrack to, of course, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, which was published by Dot Records in 1956.
"We Care A Lot" is Korn's "Faith No More" cover, from their 2016 compilation album DECADES OF DESTRUCTION, produced by Metal Hammer.
*Written by Michael J Grady
+ Written by [NAME REDACTED] and Michael J. Grady.
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Friday Jun 01, 2018
(Originally Aired: 04/18/18)
Whilst Boa and Nuggets attempt to pen a Shakespeare Episode they become embroiled in a love triangle which devolves into an Elizabethan Revenge Plot.
"Fluffernutter Pancake!" (a Shakespearean treatment of the classic vaudevillian sketch "Slowly, I Turned")* (08:57)
"Cultural Enema"* (14:15)
All sketches performed by Michael J. Grady AKA “MC Nuggets” and [NAME REDACTED] AKA “DJ Boa Ze.”
Additional Actors: Sarah Elizabeth Chapman
"Romeo and Juliet," originally performed by Dire Straits is covered here by the Killers, from their 2007 Album "Sawdust," produced by Island Records.
"You Oughta Know," originally performed by Alanis Morrisette, is covered by The Killing Moon, from the "Punk Goes 90's" album, produced by Fearless Records.
"You Rascal, You!" is an old blues standard, covered by many, many artists. This version comes from Hanni El Khatib and can be found on his album 2018 "Will The Guns Come Out," which was produced by Innovative Liesure.
*Written by Michael J. Grady
Thursday May 31, 2018
Thursday May 31, 2018
Thursday May 31, 2018
(Originally Aired: 03/21/18)
It's an old yarn about a "dame" who hires a "dick" to "rub out" the man who "fingered" her in a police line up. But does the dame intend to rub out the mysterious man or her dick?
"The Adventures of Naked Man (Reprise)"* (12:14)
"Ready, FIRE, Aim!"* (15:12)
"The Health Benefits of Cigarettes."* (18:58)
All sketches performed by Michael J. Grady AKA “MC Nuggets” and [NAME REDACTED] AKA “DJ Boa Ze.”
"99 Red Balloons," originally performed by Nena, is given a rockabilly retro-cover by the Rocker Covers from their 2013 album New Old Stock, produced by Graystone Records.
"Man in the Box" is a retro-lounge cover of Alice In Chains by Richard Cheese, from his 2005 album Aperitif for Destruction, produced by Surfdog.
"Mmmbop" is a shamefully infectious, 2-chord, pop earworm which was originally performed by Hanson. It's covered here in retro-jazz style by Postmodern Jukebox and available for download on Amazon and their website.
*Written by Michael J. Grady
Saturday Apr 28, 2018
Saturday Apr 28, 2018
"In order to get a 'diarrhea sketch' on the air, Boa and Nuggets enter into a philosophical dialogue about Western mores, community standards and Cartesian Dualism."
(Originally aired: 02/21/18)
- "I Have Two Pee."* (09:07)
- "Naked Man Vs. The Crimson Flatus."* (15:30)
All sketches performed by Michael J. Grady AKA “MC Nuggets” and [NAME REDACTED] AKA “DJ Boa Ze.”
Additional actors: Daniel Fredrickson, reprising his role as Mason Stanager.
"The Final Movement of the 1812 Overture (with farts)" -- an altered version of a performance by the Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra.
"Ooh That Smell!" by Lynyrd Skynyrd is from the 1977 album What's Your Name. Produced by MCA.
"Under Pressure," which was originally performed by Queen and David Bowie is covered here by Puddles' Pity Party.
*Written by Michael J. Grady
Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
Episode 7: "The Number One Beer" or "A Taste of the Peer."
Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
(Originally aired: 01/24/18)
"Some hear the call of fortune, some feel the call of nature and for some there is no difference."
- "Every Dude's Saturday Night."* (03:33)
- "Thou Shalt!"* (10:35)
- "The Hoarders."* (14:12)
All sketches performed by Michael J. Grady AKA “MC Nuggets” and [NAME REDACTED] AKA “DJ Boa Ze.”
Additional actors: Daniel Fredrickson and David Faber.
"Beer, Beer, Beer." Performed by the Clancy Brothers, from their alubm FLOWERS IN THE VALLEY, produced by Columbia Records in 1970.
"Beer is Good!" Performed by Psychostick, from their self-produced 2006 album, WE COULDN'T THINK OF A TITLE.
"Goin' Down." is a b-side from The Monkey's DAYDREAM BELIEVER album, produced by Colgems in 1967.
“The Death of Comedy’s Rockin’ Guitar Intro” was written and recorded by Daniel Fredrickson, with percussion by Rubix.
"The Pee Song" is from Donovan's 1970 album HMS DONOVAN, produced by Dawn.
*Written by Michael J. Grady
Friday Jul 14, 2017
Episode 6: The Death of Comedy Gets Sued or "The Ass is Half Full."
Friday Jul 14, 2017
Friday Jul 14, 2017
(Originally aired: 05/10/17)
"The station faces legal action when Nuggetz shouts an obscene-sounding homonym on air."
- "American Outrage"* (01:44)
- "The Dingle Dangle"+ (06:51)
- "Euphemisms"* (07:43)
- "A Cosby Spirit." (18:23)
- "Goodbye!"* (20:33)
All sketches performed by Michael J. Grady AKA “MC Nuggets” and [NAME REDACTED] AKA “DJ Boa Ze.”
Additional actors: Daniel Fredrickson, David Faber and Laura Anne Eggerichs
"Fixing A Hole" a B-side from the Beatles' grounbreaking SGT. PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND, which turns 50 this year. Produced by EMI.
"Friday the 13th, Part 3 (Title Theme)," the funkiest slasher theme yet recorded was, of course, from the soundtrack to the 1982 movie. Produced by Waxwork.
"One Million Lawyers" was originally released in Tom Paxton's 2001 album "Live from Mountain Stage," but this version is from his 2004 album "Best of Friends," which he recorded with Anne Hills and Bob Gibson.
“The Death of Comedy’s Rockin’ Guitar Intro” was written and recorded by Daniel Fredrickson, with percussion by Rubix.
*Written by Michael J. Grady
+ Written by Michael J. Grady and [NAME REDACTED].
Wednesday Jun 07, 2017
Episode 5: The Death of Comedy Sells Out or . . . "The Sweet Taste of Poison."
Wednesday Jun 07, 2017
Wednesday Jun 07, 2017
(Originally aired: 04/12/17)
"When an endorsement deal for a deadly and addictive but delicious sugar substitute promises Boa and Nuggets wealth beyond their wildest dreams, the boys desperately seek a moral gray area."
-“My Name is Doug!”* (08:37)
-“Naked Man Episode 20: The Incredible Shrinking Naked Man!”* (11:59)
-“Funny Weather”* (20:09)
All sketches performed by Michael J. Grady AKA “MC Nuggets” and [NAME REDACTED] AKA “DJ Boa Ze.”
Additional actors: Daniel Fredrickson.
“For the Love of Money” was performed by the Ojays as a part of their 1973 album Ship Ahoy. Released by Philadelphia International Records.
“I Just Can’t Get Enough,” which was originally recorded by Depeche Mode, is covered by the Wannadies as a part of their You and Me Song EP, which was released in Japan, by Soap Records in 1996.
“Money (That’s What I Want)” Originally written by Barry Gordy and Janie Bradford and has since been covered by many performers. This cover is by the Flying Lizards in their self-titled 1979 album. Released by Virgin.
“The Death of Comedy’s Rockin’ Guitar Intro” was written and recorded by Daniel Fredrickson, with percussion by Rubix.
“Toxic” originally recorded by Britney Spears is covered here by the Portland-based bluegrass band, the Nutmeggers. As far as we know this cover has not been released in album form, but it is available online.
Here is a link to their Reverb Nation site: https://www.reverbnation.com/thenutmeggers/songs
*Written by Michael J. Grady
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
"Episode IV: A New Low" . . . or The Death of Comedy Does Hollywood.
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
(Original air date: 03/08/17)
"Believing the casting couch is their ticket to fame, Boa and Nuggets attempt to molest their agent."
-“The Adam Sandler School of Comedy.”* (09:49)
-“Free Market Movie Reviews.”* (13:37)
-“Astronaut Boy.”* (15:36)
-“Rigged to Explode.”* (22:20)
-“Bad News.”* (23:19)
-“Freaky Friday Remake.”* (23:36)
All sketches performed by Michael J. Grady AKA “MC Nuggets” and [NAME REDACTED] AKA “DJ Boa Ze.”
Additional actors included: Laura Ann Eggerichs
“Big Spender” (Karaoke version performed by MC Nuggets) was an originally from the musical Sweet Charity but made famous by Shirley Bassey in her 1967 album of the same name. To cover my Basseys, that album was released by United Artists Records.
“Big Time” written and performed by Peter Gabriel from the 1986 album So. Released by Charisma Records.
“Sell Out” by Reel Big Fish is from their 1996 album Turn Off the Radio. Released by Mojo Records.
“The Death of Comedy’s Rockin’ Guitar Intro” was written and recorded by Daniel Fredrickson, with percussion by Rubix.
*Written by Michael J. Grady
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Episode 3: Interview with a Time Traveler . . . or "Ask Me Again Yesterday."
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
(Original air date: 02/08/17)
"What would happen if the Time Travel Lobby successfully deregulated movement through the Fourth Dimension???"
- “Small Change.”* (10:00)
-“Abbott and Costello Discuss Quantum Mechanics”* (19:42)
All sketches performed by Michael J. Grady AKA “MC Nuggets” and [NAME REDACTED] AKA “DJ Boa Ze.”
“Let’s Do The Time Warp, Again” (originally from The Rocky Horror Picture Show), covered here with a ska beat, by the Holophonics, as a selection from 2014's Maskarades Vol. 7 - Skalloween. Released by Holophonor Records.
“Sympathy for the Devil” (originally recorded by The Rolling Stones) is covered by The King, from their album Return to Splender (2000). Released by Electra.
“The Death of Comedy’s Rockin’ Guitar Intro” was written and recorded by Daniel Fredrickson, with percussion by Rubix.
“Time is on My Side” by the Rolling Stones, from their 1964 album 12 x 5. Released by Abkco.
*Written by Michael J. Grady